Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tom Sanford

Tom Sanford is interviewed on Bad at Sports. These are some images of new work from his studio, discussed during the inteview, which will be included in his show at Leo Koenig (opening on May 2nd).

Dollar Bill Y'All!

RELATED: I think No Rules Jules is part of this body of work and will be in the May show.
UPDATE: I've added a Tom Sanford label.


  1. I've yet to make it farther than the hometown part..

  2. oh, well, shortly after that he gets the girl, and becomes an emerging art star.

    i added a tom sanford label.

  3. good summary martin.

    barnaby, you should listen - you might learn a thing or two!

  4. I wouldn't know what to do with her.

  5. i wasn't talking about that - there are plenty of other things you could learn!

  6. You mean like following up with things and keeping appointments with curators? puh-leeeze...

    Martin.. I request that you revoke Tom's label.

  7. (oh and Tom managed to work the wine refrigerator into the phone conversation earlier today .. I guess I heard that part as well)

  8. sulk...sulk,,,snarf...snarf...

  9. Listen to that interview and be sad sad sad about that stuff like this gets taken so seriously.
