Monday, March 17, 2008


I found this dirty Christmas angel hanging from a tree in Richmond, in the middle of the summer (2006). It was weird to see with all of the green.

I brought it home. You can see her hanging from the light, in the center of this picture.

She has wings.

I can't read what she is reading.


  1. I hope the person who originally strung up that dirty snow angel went to art school. If they didn't it completely invalidates the experience of looking at it for me. Do you walk around all day looking for disturbing objects?

  2. Does anyone remember those giant (2-3 ft) sperm/tadpoles up in the trees in the alley behind VCU's art blgd 5-ish years ago? they seemed to be made of paper or something on a wire armature. One was removed by the business who backed up against the alley, The other disintegrated in the rain over several months. Definitely an art student, which does not invalidate the experience for me.

  3. "Do you walk around all day looking for disturbing objects?"

    Yes! i am a flaneur of manure.

    i don't think that angel was an art school thing...

    this may have been -

    that was good.

  4. vic, it is nice to "see" you again. i've been thinking that you and eric would get along...

  5. Vic I like the paintings on your practically content free blog page. You should post more images. Martin can I ask you a few questions about your art, etc.? Do you live off the sale of your work? I know you are represented by a NYC gallery right? Do you have to keep a day job or do you have savings you live off of? I am not a crypto-Marxist as I have been called on other blogs. I was just wondering. (okay so maybe I am a hyper-Marxist)

  6. eric you are making me laugh so hard.

  7. I like the dystopic qualities of Whitfield and McEneaney's work. I would comment on the women in Whitfield's work but I don't want to get in trouble with the PC crowd. When I come down to the City of Falling Cranes on the first weekend in April I will try to check their stuff out so I can write about it. They don't appear to be overexposed.

    So you insist upon remaining a man of mystery Martin?

  8. Who're you calling content free?

  9. You have 6 jpegs of interesting looking paintings and absolutely nothing else.

  10. Eric, thanks for the compliments. I was making a joke on the word "content."

  11. vc

    I am sure that you are aware of the tone recognition problems people have with cyber correspondence. Something I would have intuitively picked up on in an instant in person has to be explained in cyberspace. Post more stuff.

