Thursday, March 20, 2008

Betty Blayton

Betty Blayton, Souls Transcending, 2005

Painting by Betty Blayton in the show with the three pieces by Al Loving. She has three pieces, but this is the most interesting. Here's a detail.

Gregory Coates
Gregory Coates, Blue Smoke, 2006, Blue powder pigment and acrylic on cigar boxes

Gregory Coates has two pieces in this show also, which I revisited after seeing his show at Opalka Gallery.

Gregory Coates
The one on the left is Permission, 2007, Blue pigment on rubber over wood. Click here to see it much better.


  1. what gallery is this at?

  2. this is a show called "expressions in blue", in an awkward exhibition space within the nystate museum, albany.

    i think the two determining thematic factors are black artists and the color blue... the work is all over the place.

    but there is definitely some good stuff included. i went twice.

  3. those sculptures look amazing...
