Sunday, March 02, 2008

spirit of sharing

nice painting in the house.

"For Mr. Büchel the point of a continuing, obsessively detailed post-mortem seems not only to prevail in countless matters of fact but, in a larger sense, to lift the museum curtain." - Randy Kennedy, for the NYTimes

"He calls the museum's refusal to give him all the documents censorship." - Randy Kennedy, for the NYTimes

"This new series of works I have been doing is a kind of physical manifestation of the principle of freedom of speech and expression that the dispute is about" - Christoph Buchel to Randy Kennedy, for the NYTimes

"It says to the museum: You cannot shut me up. You tried, with your lawsuits and your fancy pro bono lawyers, but you cannot do it." - Christoph Buchel to Randy Kennedy, for the NYTimes