Monday, March 24, 2008

white columns piss-take number 8 - creating a closed loop

Here are the three most recent White Columns reviews from the NYTimes -

White Columns in NYTimes 3/21/08 - Roberta Smith review of White Columns' exhibition of work from the collection of critic/curator Vince Aletti. The review also mentions White Columns' concurrent exhibitions of work from the collection of curator Bob Nickas, and a solo show of photographs by artist-turned-(Matthew Higgs)dealer Janice Guy.

before that was...

White Columns in NYTimes 12/7/07 - Karen Rosenberg review of Looking Back, a group show of art seen in NY (mostly Chelsea galleries) in the previous year. Last line of the review - "If you missed Andrew Lord’s ceramics at Gladstone, for instance, or Sadie Benning’s videos at Orchard, you’ll be grateful for the second chance."

before that was...

White Columns in NYTimes 7/10/07 -Roberta Smith feature reviewing Dealer as Artist, a group show of work by "six prominent art dealers" that used to make art. Janice Guy featured at top of page.

Good job, White Columns.


  1. What is a 'piss-take'?

  2. taking the piss means making fun of someone/thing, deflating them a little.

  3. Oh. Okay. I thought you were riffing on mistake. Get it, pisstake? Anyway, Martin did you leave the anon comment on my blog which read "Thank you, brother"? Maybe you were blacking out and don't remember leaving it. Are you represented by White Columns? Why did they drop you? Is there a time limit involved in the process of being 'represented' by them?

  4. no, that comment wasn't from me. maybe it was from the artist you reviewed?

    i have no white columns affiliation... they didn't drop me, i was never really on their site... that white columns page was my application that i figured out how to make public.

    that was a piss take.

  5. Martin do you know if it is as difficult to get on the white columns artist registry as it is to get added to the roster of any Chelsea non-blue chip gallery (which is nearly impossible)? I want to approach a gallery with my work but I don't want to sign up with a gallery that will do absolutely nothing for me and will pretty much be invisible to the public.

  6. Sorry about asking stupid questions Martin. I read your prior posts on WC, read your resume, and got my answers.
