Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Roger Brown

Buzzin' Bridges, 1974

Roger Brown, at DC Moore. Haven't seen any Roger Brown since visiting Robert Cozzolino's excellent show in Philadelphia two-plus years ago... I love those Chicago artists, and the artists they were inspired by. This was in the same building as the Jess show at Tibor de Nagy, around the corner from Present Tense at Spanierman Modern. Trifecta.

Alexi Worth will be showing at DC Moore in November.

Heavy Cloud Mask, 1989

Fall Out at Three Mile Island, 1979

detail from Fall Out at Three Mile Island, 1979

Mothra at Inner Circle Drive, 1988

GIANT MOTH!!! Hairy WHO/What? - from the farm... it was HUGE, like a hamster with wings... click on the picture to see it bigger.


  1. that's a cute moth

  2. you had me at Giant Moth..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh! Meridith! I've been harangued into hanging with gay people at Fire Island on Saturday ...yes those are pigs flying.. but unfortunately now I won't be able to barbecue them up for you guys as planned! (oh wait maybe I should email this..)

    Sorry Martin...come down again that was fun!

    I am STILL putting final details on ya portrait by the way...

  5. What does Roger Brown use to paint those Martin? Airbrush?

  6. Oil on canvas. Wow. Inventive as hell.

  7. barnaby did you make the deadline???

  8. Deadline is July 31st. I just have to put the title on the crown (today) and then get 'im photographed. I think I can actually even enter without the photo as long as it's in by final deadline..

  9. Great moth pics! Gotta love the Hairy Who...I sometimes contribute to a painting blog and wrote a short piece on the DC Moore show a few weeks back (along w/ some info on Joseph Yoakum):


    It's amazing to me that more artists aren't aware of his work.

  10. I acquired this work in Nov. 2008. It is currently on long-term loan to the New Orleans Museum of Art where it was briefly on display in 2009 or '10.
