Saturday, September 13, 2008


Jack Kirby torpedo dogs picked from his trash by Jim Woodring, via Tom Moody.

Francis Bacon's trash, auctioned.

Allan Stone, in the movie Who The #?&% Is Jackson Pollock, shows his Jackson Pollock painting that was taken from the East Hampton, Long Island garbage dump - "Everybody knew that Pollock dumped a lot of his unsuccessful things in, in the dump in, in East Hampton. You know, in those days, they weren’t, they weren’t worth anything really, you know?"

Calvin Tomkins on Robert Rauschenberg, in Off the Wall (page 85) - "sneaking into de Koonings studio when no one was there, he took a lot of photographs and stole a discarded drawing from the trash basket. 'it was just total idolizing,' he says"


  1. Oh garbage dump oh garbage dump
    Why are you called a garbage dump
    Oh garbage dump oh garbage dump
    Why are you called a garbage dump

    You could feed the world with my garbage dump
    You could feed the world with my garbage dump
    You could feed the world with my garbage dump
    That sums it up in one big lump

    When you're livin' on the road
    And you think sometimes you're starvin'
    Get on off that trip my friend
    Just get in them cans and start carvin'

    Oh garbage dump my garbage dump
    Why are you called my garbage dump
    Oh garbage dump my garbage dump
    Why are you called my garbage dump

    There's a market basket an' a A&P
    I don't care if de box boys are starin' at me
    I don't even care who wins de war
    I'll be in dem cans behind my favorite store

    Garbage dump oh garbage dump
    Why are you called a garbage dump
    Garbage dump oh garbage dump
    That sums it up, in one big lump

    I claim all these garbage dumps
    In the name of
    (The garbage pickers of America)
    (The garbage pickers of America)
    (The garbage pickers of America)

    Oh but it smells
    Oh pew ... yeow

    (Charles Manson)

  2. Hey Martin I dont know if I have ever told you this story.. but when I moved out of my apartment after school at vcu I had to get rid of maybe 5-8 large paintings. I was bummed to see them in a pile next to the dumpster but they vanished before the trash was picked up. So I imagined someone gave them a new home and you know that was great.

    A day later when walking under the overpass to get to Belle Isle I saw something absolutely amazing. Someone had made what seemed like a fort out of my old paintings.

    Upon closer inspection I saw that it was in fact a hobo house with remnants of a fire that was fueled by my paintings presumably to cook hot dogs on sticks.

    Anyway as I got closer an old hobo came out of the house and startled me. There was a long pause during which I noticed his freshly gold painted toe nails and admired his long white dirty beard.

    "DO YOU KNOW WHO JESUS IS" said the hobo. "um no... but I think you do" I said as I was turning to walk away as fast as possible. And I got out of there.

    A couple days later I decided to go back and take some pictures for my portfolio. When I got there I was baffled to see nothing but burnt debris and police tape.

    I never found out anything else about it but after much contemplation I have decided that I now know who Jesus is.

  3. Jesus has good taste.

  4. Don't worry. The paintings are in Heaven.

  5. If Jesus was on the scene he might have transmuted those paintings in to the debris and police tape. Or some fish sandwiches and grape juice.

  6. i picked u a hitchhiker one time on my way back from work washing dishes after my first year in college.

    after thanking me my passenger started to talk about how he had seen things I wouldn't believe.

    He said he was John Carpenter (i changed the name).

    "Son of a carpenter, get it?"

    I said I didn't.

    He kept repeating that. He said he had seen things I wouldn't believe. He hinted at dark conspiracies.

    I gave him a ride all the way home - I was bored and patient. Its a small town with one major highway. What if he knew some horrible truth?

    The man lived in a tidy shack built of recycled materials. Someone had set him up nicely.

    On the table were tapes of movies. One of them was Harrison Ford as Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan.

    So that's how I met Jesus.

    As Oliver Wendel Holmes once said:

    "You got to believe."
