Wednesday, October 22, 2008

space + totems

Scott Kiernan, in Beauty's Burden, curated by David Gibson and Jennifer Junkermeier, at Ernest Rubenstein Gallery (of The Educational Alliance). Closes October 31st.

John McCracken, at David Zwirner.

John McCracken
All purply.

Matthew Day Jackson, at Peter Blum - after Charles Ray after McCracken, I guess. The cosmonaut's space suit is made from US Army blankets... Dario Robleto?

Jason Middlebrook being installed at Sara Meltzer.


  1. I think the Jackson space suit was made of felt, so there's a Bueys reference going on there as well. There are some Bueys felt suits up at MOMA right now, at least one is hung up high on the wall like the MDJ piece. The Jackson show at Peter Blum was fantastic.

  2. oops, u.s. army blankets, but it still reminded me of Bueys' felt suits...

  3. but you're right, there was a small felt suit in the other room... he did reference beuys.
