Saturday, November 08, 2008

Jon Lutz's Old Gold

Patrick Brennan
Jaime Gecker
Carrie Pollack
Christopher Knowles
Gianna Commito
Scott Olson

...and many more!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Martin,

    I've been going through a few health problems and between dealing with the pain and trying to figure out how to get help for it in a foreign country, I haven't been able to reply to all of my mail as quickly as I would like. I receive quite a bit of mail, and I make it a rule to eventually answer everything, but when something like my heath starts to act up, it makes answering everything quickly very difficult and stressful...

    I pay $700 a month, but that is just for the space, no shower. The studio is located on Bogart, which is about a 5 minute walk from the Grand station on the L line... To tell you the truth I have no idea who I am renting it from, I am subletting it from a friend, but i know that this company that I am about to link is often talked about as having spaces available:

    You may want to try by looking into them...
