Wednesday, January 07, 2009

D. Dominick Lombardi

Beachcomber, 2008

D. Dominick Lombardi, in Apocalyptic Pop, at Dorsky Gallery.

D. Dominick Lombardi
The back... it's an armature of plastic toys and objects - found beach detritus? - painted and covered in sand.

Seal of approval.

D. Dominick Lombardi
Frankensteins's monster, Simpsonized and sand-blasted, eroding. Makes me think of some of the Joyce Pensato drawings, which were so shredded.

D. Dominick Lombardi
The stance is like that famous Boccioni sculpture... Unique Forms of Continuity in Space... plus Composer Bust.

D. Dominick Lombardi
Dog in hair.

D. Dominick Lombardi
Eyeball arm stalk.

Whistling Bird, 1998

This piece pre-dates Beachcomber by ten years. They are both denizens of an imagined future in which animal, plant, and consumer-goods DNA has merged. Whistling Bird was genetically modified to be clean, cute, and flightless.

D. Dominick Lombardi

D. Dominick Lombardi, in Apocalyptic Pop, at Dorsky Gallery, through January 20th.


  1. Picasso made a baboon here reminds me of that and some other famous dudes who made stuff - back to archimboldi's fruit faces - and before that the "green man" of pagan lore - so this is a tradition that, increasingly divorced from...oh who am I kidding. It looks like fun. I honestly picked up a shell or two from the beach the other day - and I made a face out of a stone, a snail type dealio (he kind hermit crabs squat in) and some driftwood. Its freakin childsplay. WHat is this guy two? I know I am. But what are you.

    That and the simpsons - which pensato references in her postmodern pastiche of pop expressionism.

    If you want I can can tear off a slab of whup ass, but then I;d have to fry it up, and that's work.

  2. very interesting..would like to see more from this the use of old toys..
