Friday, May 01, 2009

Painting Abstraction

Bob Nickas' Painting Abstraction will be published in September '09... I know Chuck Webster, Mike Cloud, Alexander Ross, Lisa Beck, Xylor Jane, David Malek are some of the 80 artists included... who else and who else could have been? Eric Sall and Wendy White are two abstract painters who are enough on the radar now that they might/could be in it. I heard there are a lot of women featured...

Sometimes I am lucky enough to get advance books... most recently I was sent Michael Lobel's new book on James Rosenquist... haven't read it yet but am eager to, especially since the fire. I REALLY WANT A COPY OF PAINTING ABSTRACTION!!!

(this is unrelated to my recent request for nickas' e-mail)

PLUS: check out my abstract painting label.. there are 127 posts, and i'm sure i've overlooked some stuff when labeling.


  1. can't wait

  2. awesome... have a look at also
