Thursday, July 09, 2009

twitter conversation

Tyler Green, Jay Jordan, Qi Peng, William Powhida, Hrag Vartanian twitter.

HRAG: I'm starting to think @tylergreendc & @artfagcity are secretly attracted to each other in a "meet me in the New Museum bathroom" kinda way. from TweetDeck

TG: @jaymjordan @jenbee @hragv LOL. What about the issue I raised? Response? Thoughts? from UberTwitter in reply to jaymjordan

TRYHARDERART: @tylergreendc how do you talk/connect to those outside the inner art world? from web

HRAG: @TylerGreenDC Discussing MoMA on FB may not be best venue but I chalk that up to Jerry being a luddite & still figuring out online nuances. from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

TG: @tryharderart me specifically? Op-eds, etc. Jerry, however, has tons more juice/cred than I do. He can work venues I can't. from UberTwitter in reply to tryharderart

WP: @hragv re: Jerry FB, I heard he chose facebook because he can control who responds to him. No anonymous, no trolls. from TweetDeck in reply to hragv

TG: @Powhida still the narrowest, most insider audience tho, right? AFC missed it, but that's the point I was trying to make. from UberTwitter in reply to Powhida

JJ: It's time to wade into the Jerry Saltz @tylergreendc @artfagcity discussion. Especially since I've been ruminating on it for a while now. from Tweetie

TG: @jaymjordan int'g phrasing. Because AFC's post had little to do with the thrust of mine... from UberTwitter in reply to jaymjordan

JJ: A roundup: @tylergreendc posted this which provoked @artfagcity to respond with this from web

WP: @TylerGreenDC Absolutely, I'd agree with that, in so much as being able to interact with Jerry. Is anyone reposting his FB anywhere else? from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

WP: @TylerGreenDC 5,000 isn't a tiny number, like say my 157 followers, but there's way more than 10,000 artists alone out there.... from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

WP: All this fuss about Jerry FBing. Being a famous art critic is like being a famous account to paraphrase a quote by Austin Thomas. from TweetDeck

JJ: I've been following Jerry Saltz's Facebook campaign to see more women represented at MOMA since it came to my attention about a month ago. from web

TG: @Powhida The NYT reaches millions per day. So too WSJ and NPR. Why not take the issue there? Why limit it to 5K? from UberTwitter in reply to Powhida

WP: @TylerGreenDC That's the heart of it right? It would probably piss off a lot of rich conservatives who fund museums and see no gender issue from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

WP: @TylerGreenDC ie, it's like declaring yourself a feminist, which can be detrimental in the art world. Seriously, and that is a problem. from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

WP: @TylerGreenDC and while I'm part of the problem, another man animal, I heard an example of this from a Whitney Biennial artist. from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

QI: @Powhida why is declaration of feminism a bad thing? from TwitterBerry

JJ: Saltz's campaign is interesting for two reasons. One being the issue he raises and two the forum in which he has chosen to raise it. from web

JJ: In the past week I have spoken to a couple of colleagues about this and in both cases I was shocked to find out they were unaware of this. from web

JJ: In one case I got a "who is Jerry Saltz" from someone who really should know better. I also got the social media is stupid response too. from web

WP: @qipeng Because Qi, there are a lot of conservatives who fund art museums and buy art who dislike Feminism, as it clashes with their values from TweetDeck in reply to qipeng

JJ: Based on the world conversations I've had about arts writing and social media I decided to post the @tylergreendc article to Facebook. from web

WP: @jaymjordan We all know Jerry, but I'll say it again Being a famous art critic is lk being a famous accountant. stole that frm Austin Thomas from TweetDeck in reply to jaymjordan

JJ: I chose to post the @tylergreendc article on Facebook and not Twitter because I hoped it would have more impact with my colleagues there. from web

WP: @qipeng or in most cases, it's more like "what problem? There's no gender problem? That's old news, right?" Sure. It's all equitable from TweetDeck in reply to qipeng

QI: @Powhida indeed however there was that WACK retrospective that travelled to museums all over from TwitterBerry

WP: @qipeng yep, and it serves to put Feminism in a historical context. Wrap it up, and say 'look we did good' Feminism has a wing at BAM... from TweetDeck in reply to qipeng

QI: @Powhida also feminism is not always against conservative thought for some from TwitterBerry

JJ: I did exactly what @tylergreendc says Jerry Saltz is doing (to a lesser degree). I'm speaking to very a small group of art world 'insiders'. from web

QI: @Powhida indeed is there feminism in art dealing? Perhaps... from TwitterBerry

QI: @Powhida also another problem is that every idea becomes a commodity. Big brother wins by buying our ideas from TwitterBerry

WP: @qipeng 'Big Brother', you said it man. from TweetDeck in reply to qipeng

JJ: Does Jerry Saltz's role as a journalist and his potentially giant platform mean he should adhere to different rules than me? @tylergreendc from web

TG: @jaymjordan Ah but you are not the two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist art critic for New York magazine. JS has access to media that we don't. from TweetDeck in reply to jaymjordan

HRAG: @Powhida I think Jerry's reason is lame, we can't control conversations...then again may be a generation thing or I'm just not that famous. from web in reply to Powhida

JJ: To me it's a question of good reporting or effective advocacy. I wonder if it would have the same impact if he used another outlet? from web

TG: @Powhida I don't think that's the heart of it, no. (Your first of three, if that's not too confusing...) from TweetDeck in reply to Powhida

WP: @hragv I agree, if that's his primary motivation to experiment with limited accessibility. from TweetDeck in reply to hragv

WP: @TylerGreenDC So it remains about accessibility for you? I understand that. I guess I'm wondering why Jerry won't use other platforms from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

TG: @Powhida Precisement! He could reach millions via NYT, WSJ, NPR, etc. op-eds. (Just one example.) from TweetDeck in reply to Powhida

QI: @Powhida could Jerry use twitter? from TwitterBerry

WP: @hragv then again, fb offers the possibility of knowing who you are conversing with unlike say an unmoderated blog... from TweetDeck in reply to hragv

WP: @TylerGreenDC So, why doesn't he on an issue he obviously cares about? from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

TG: @Powhida Beats me. Hence the post. When I think something I think deserves a broader audience, I go op-ed. Most of us writers do! from TweetDeck in reply to Powhida

WP: @qipeng Why not. It'd be a great forum to discuss an article written for a broad audience. Not the best place though for composition from TweetDeck in reply to qipeng

JJ: @TylerGreenDC I understand that, and you're right, but if his goal is to affect change a small number of 'insiders' may be all it takes. from web in reply to TylerGreenDC

WP: @TylerGreenDC then maybe I'm a cynic, lol, because I wonder why he won't do it on a national stage. from TweetDeck in reply to TylerGreenDC

WP: RT @jaymjordan: @TylerGreenDC I understand that, and you're right, but if his goal is to affect change a small number of 'insiders' from TweetDeck

WP: cont may be all it takes from TweetDeck

TG: @jaymjordan But that's my point. A good critic can do more than that. A good critic can broaden the discussion. from TweetDeck in reply to jaymjordan

WP: @jaymjordan The insiders can change, but public pressure; heck exposure can be a powerful influence from TweetDeck in reply to jaymjordan

JJ: @TylerGreenDC On the other hand his approach also pushes arts journalism that much farther into the margins. from web in reply to TylerGreenDC

HRAG: @Powhida Jerry may be disappointed as FB opens everything up to public as a default setting: from TweetDeck in reply to Powhida

HRAG: RT @veken @hragv I've been waiting for my FB friend confirmation from Jerry Saltz for months. I'm essentially locked out of that discussion. from TweetDeck

QI: @Powhida true but you can break down the ideas into smaller pieces in twitter... plus it's more of a symposium here than on Facebook. from web in reply to Powhida




  1. One can be conservative AND think there should be more women represented at MOMA.

  2. i was in a show curated by jay, and he always makes sure women are in the shows he constructs.

  3. i think my head just exploded.

  4. Thanks for posting this Martin. I was thinking the same thing about his choice of venue. Very interesting conversation going on and would love to hear more.

  5. Um... Jerry Saltz writes about the representation of women in the art world with regularity. I can't recall if he's done it in New York mag but he definitely wrote about it in the Village Voice (and several times at least). MOMA's permanent collection may be a new target...
