Monday, August 03, 2009

anaba paparazzi

William Powhida, Barnaby Whitfield, Douglas Kelly at Stux... sitting below a gorgeous pastel by Barnaby.

Martha Friedman, at John Connelly Presents. She had that great show at Wallspace.

Martha Friedman
Martha Friedman's piece in the current John Connelly show... weird tower of taped together yams or something... stealthy.

Holly Coulis, at John Connelly Presents... with her painting in the background, and Gerald Davis drawings at left. More Gerald Davis later.

Justin Samson, at John Connelly Presents. Enjoyed his show here early this year.... Inside the Cosmic Motion Projector (scroll down a little for photos).

Sharon Butler and Austin Thomas, at Pocket Utopia.

Austin Thomas
My 246 Editions print at Pocket Utopia, at left.

Phil Grauer and Sarah Braman, at Horton, with Lauren Luloff's piece in background.

Janet Kurnatowski and Phong Bui, at Janet Kurnatowski Gallery.

Loren Munk
Loren Munk, at Janet Kurnatowski. Visited his studio and took some excellent photos... hope to post them this week.


  1. Look at those guns on Whitfield

  2. (I can't wait for the 'more Gerald Davis' , Martin..I just saw your flickr page they blew me away)

  3. aaron - i know, barnaby is ripped! lean and mean. barnaby your body fat percentage must be 8 or 9 percent.

    gerald davis is intense.. did you see that show barnaby? the painter one is kinda like an ivan albright + mad magazine. it's closed now but he's got three jaw-dropping drawings at the john connelly show.

    if anyone is not okay with their picture just e-mail me and i can remove it.

  4. 9 percent that's how I roll.

    Gerald Davis IS intense!.. so just madly in love. I am going to book it over to John C as soon as I get a day off from this cold you bet! I am so glad you got those pics Martin. I can't stop droolin' over 'em.

  5. the drawings are kind of shocking. too bad you missed the LES show of paintings... i can't remenbger what that gallery is called... the one up teh alley across from eleven rivington.

    barnaby do you take emergen-c?
