Sunday, February 07, 2010

Larry Poons

20-20 And Blue, 2008

Larry Poons, Recent Paintings, at Esther Massry Gallery, College of Saint Rose, Albany.

detail of 20-20 And Blue

detail of 20-20 And Blue

Hulk Smash. can't remember the real title...

Larry Poons

Sally Gardens, 2008

detail of Sally Gardens

detail of Sally Gardens

D. Jack Solomon and Jeannette Fintz
D. Jack Solomon and Jeannette Fintz. Jeannette has a show opening Sat 2/20 at Nicole Fiacco, in Hudson NY.

Signed my copy of Artforum, Summer, 1968.... he had the cover.


  1. beautiful. I'd see this if I could.


  2. Poons has of course been all thick for years, but I am really struck by those sparser, more lyrical passages, closer to the perimeters I presume.

    He should rename that one Hulk Smash

    I liked his scene in Painters Painting where he directs an assistant who is cropping a huge painting. "over over, left left!"

    you know its like the dot paintings were just an early blip in a much more milton resnicky sensibility.

  3. You know you've attained historic status when you become an adjective, "resnicky". I couldn't have said it better myself, well maybe "resnickian"

  4. Love those dot paintings, too, though. If it was a blip it was a good blip.


  5. Resnicky, definitely. Unless you're speaking to the Pope, Queen or President. Then I guess Resnickian is more appropriate.

    I wish I could see this too.

  6. isn't "bleep" a genre of electronic music?

  7. beep boop aside, these paintings are getting better and better. I really love how he flirts with, but refuses to commit to "field," and puts THINGS in the paintings, like the green and the black strokes that almost coalesce into something.

  8. vc - yes lots of bare canvas, mostly on the edges, but also dappled throughout.

    and there is a painting (not pictured here) with what looks like horse heads and and a male and female torso... i think it was called 'la famiglia'.

    one of the details i posted above, from the painting '20-20 And Blue', looks like a cosmic horse head.

  9. "these paintings are getting better and better" (vc)

    Agreed. Exciting to see. Exciting to see that at an age that some youngsters might call "old" one can still be discovering and actually getting better and better. Not that he's some rare example. Certainly not. But I think still there is the idea and the fear (and the sometimes reality) that one "runs out" at some point.

  10. It's really great to see these pictures documented so clearly. Yup, he was maligned when I was a youngster...I figure this beautiful work invites another look at his earlier stuff.

  11. I like the busy, pushing the paint around of these Poons.

  12. Hoping to get to see his show at the Sam Golden space before it closes. Thanks for the great images.
