Friday, March 26, 2010

Abstract Masters at Anita Shapolsky

Ed Clark, Red, Black and Blue Movement, 2009. Nice discussion of Ed Clark in the comments of this 12/15/08 post.

African American Abstract Masters, at Anita Shapolsky Gallery, through April 24. There is a concurrent show at Wilmer Jennings Gallery at Kenkeleba... I'll post some photos of that next week. All the work - plus or minus a few pieces - will be shown together in November at Opalka Gallery in Albany.

Joe Overstreet, Black Star Line, 1990.

Betty Blayton and Joe Overstreet. Blayton had this cool piece at a show in Albany.

The exhibition space is Anita's home.

Anita Shapolsky... getting ready to go to the fair.

Joe Overstreet, Pearl River, 2003.

Painted and collaged on screen mesh... like that big piece in the excellent Zwirner show... the painted lines and collage elements cast shadows on the wall.

Shazam... paint fills in the squares and creates a zig-zag lightning bolt line.

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