Monday, March 15, 2010

RH Quaytman

RH Quaytman, in the Whitney Biennial.

RHQ - that shape is the Whitney window, in the room... couldn't get a picture of it unfortunately.


Jessica Jackson Hutchins - her shows at Derek Eller and Laurel Gitlen are EXCELLENT... but this Obama-papered couch was heavy-handed (haha get it?).. and it didn't help that she was paired with the photo-journalism. Those photos were best seen the first time, how many years ago, in (i think it was) Newsweek. They sucked away any mystery that might have been on that couch. Clunker.
Charles Ray - his FIFTH Whitney Biennial and a WHOLE ROOM of his least relevant/inspiring/interesting work. Wow think about all the good artists who aren't already stars, could really use the exposure, and would have shown their best work. What a MIS-STEP... like Koons with Skin Fruit. This guy has literally been in half the Whitney Biennial's of the last twenty years. Sorry, that room has given me major Charles Ray backlash. Ridiculous and Laaaame.
Kate Gilmore - don't get why she is so "hot", what the buzz is about... but liked how at the beginning of the video, when she first breaks into the little closet, the wedge of sheetrock is Whitney-window shaped (echoing the Quaytman)... was that intentional? Hey whatever happened to that girl who was eating her way out of rooms? That was worse I guess.
Maureen Gallace - wouldn't take a picture even if i could. Snooooze.
Richard Aldrich - i don't know.... this one confuses me.

Liked Huma Bhaba, Alex Hubbard, Thomas Houseago, George Condo, Piotr Uklanski, Robert Grosvenor, the video on memory (forget the artist), BHQ.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting those photos of the RHQs.
