Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i got not mentioned again

hey i got not mentioned by JS in NYMag... again.

It's in the new Marlene Dumas review where he says - "I’ve been accused of being part of a "circle jerk" anti-Dumas cabal. A 2008 New York Times Magazine profile included a quote that called disapproving male critics (including me) part of “a sexist conspiracy.”". The circle-jerk mention is me from this post from five(!) years ago.

The other unnamed person he quoted above - from the NYTimes profile - is Nicole Eisenmann, who coincidentally is the person who comments as Corny after the old 'circle-jerk' post. I don't think I'm betraying any confidence saying that.. there was an article mentioning her blog at some point later.

Actually, I was quoted but not named in that NYTimes profile as well. Kind of cool(?), this stealth bibliography? This is like the third time I've been in NYMag but not. My previous unmention by JS in NYMag is here.

I'm glad he finally wrote a review of this artist he has been trashing for seventeen years. Too bad he couldn't do it without portraying himself as a victim. I looked at his Facebook thread on this review and it is beyond ironic that it goes on for 250 comments mostly hostile toward Dumas and then they suddenly switch to honoring JS for his ability to put up with on-line criticism.

Well anyways congrats to both me and JS because I gave him shit about not reviewing the Dumas show at MoMA (which got me 'defriended') and also for getting beat with two dead women by Schjeldahl haha and now he has finally written a Dumas review and has already reviewed two live women this year wow!


  1. So glad you called JS out on his ridiculous posture on Dumas.

  2. immediately thought of you when i read that review...

  3. getting 'not mentioned' by getting your words mentioned means you must have really hit the nail on the head with him. that one small thing - calling it like you see it- from five years ago left a mark, so congratulations for stinging where it needed to be stung, and telling the truth, which is difficult for people to theorize pr recontexutalize away. telling the truth is why so many people pay attention to you. keep writing.

  4. Congrats for the mention. I suppose Ms Dumas early accolades where a bit too much... what goes up...
