Thursday, June 03, 2010

Alisha Kerlin

Alisha Kerlin, Cat and Mouse, at Real Fine Arts, through June 27th.

Paintings of losing games of solitaire. Failure is an option. Not usually into conceptual strategizing as an excuse for lame(?) painting, but... this is not overly-elaborate... nice and lazy... listless. I kinda like being or thinking about being alone in that 'whatever' rote state.

There is also a series of close-up photos of an old cockatoo bird she keeps visiting at the pet store, photographing as it wakes up and nods off. This show is some kind of limbo.


Alisha Kerlin

you lose slacker.

- she got dissed by CVF in the VV review of GNY. so did Erin Shireff. so did Amy Yao. I guess if I ever had a gallery it wouldn't look too much like Roebling Hall... haha.

Damien Crisp and Gillian Wilson - getting married this summer, and opening a new gallery in the former Fake Estate space.

Alisha Kerlin. RFA is only open on weekends.

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