Tuesday, May 18, 2010


too weeeird... these trudy bensons at f+v look like eric salls... and doesn't f+v now share the same space with eric's atm? what are they doing? this is bizarrely stupid.

and trudy went to vcu as an undergrad when sall was a grad... hey i am all for taking what you need from others but c'mon it's a joke when james kalm asks who she's looked at and she doesn't mention sall.

not ready for prime-time, sorry.


  1. just another rip off artist.

  2. See the discussion here

    where I'm much more timid regarding this connection.

  3. Hey Martin,
    here's a link to an Eric Sall show at ATM from a couple of years ago so folks can check it out for themselves:


  4. um....yeah. this is bad. real bad. artists are artists and all's fair with them. but the gallery shoulda red flagged this one for sure.

  5. in a way you cant blame the artist, she seems way too young to be showing, and this is what happens with inexperience, when we are young we go through lots of influences and it takes time to develop ones own voice, i blame the gallery too for not recognizing this, eric sall is a wonderful artist, and original, the poor girl, i am kind of embarrassed for her. but yet again, i see a lot of rip offs of other people all of the time in chelsea, its like you can get a cheaper version with a younger version? painting is hard and it really does take a long time to find ones own path i hope she finds hers well out of the spotlight where it belongs for now. some, not all, young artists are just too eager to get out there i still blame the gallery...

  6. what is nick lawrence thinking? he can't be unaware of the artists represented by the dealer who shares his same space. too fucking weird.

  7. haha - ya i noticed that too and immediately wondered why no one was saying anything - to be honest I think her paintings are really great but ya waaaay to close to Sall's

  8. Nothing wrong w/ influence...but this girl is too young, the work too derivative for her to be showing so soon. Awkward for her & Sall...but gotta pin this one on the gallery.

    Painting is a slow, difficult way to make art...you have to bring something else to the conversation...think a couple years out of school would have served her & the gallery much better. The best dealers who are truly invested in young talents need to recognize this, so they can allow their work to develop naturally over the long haul...and show the work once it's ready.

  9. ya know, Arshile Gorky. . . .um, nevermind

  10. Its a great shame as the works are so strong and confident, the paint handling especially. She is a very talented painter and it will be very interesting to see how the work develops over time.

  11. sorry, you just cannot use that big "U" shape... eric OWNS it. i'd give her half a pass if she hadn't gone to VCU - i mean COME ON! i disagree that this is "influence"... it's a blatant rip-off. i'll punch her and nick lawrence in the face if i ever get the chance. DOUCHE MOVE!!!

  12. I said there is nothing wrong with influence, but in this case I think everyone agrees that you can't be biting on the style of a respected painter who has been doing it better, longer and showing in the same space as you. It's disappointing to see artists right out of school (literally) making sub-par copies of what's already being shown...because once it's out there, it's out there.

    Bad enough to see it at the graduate open studios, but it's always shocking and irresponsible to see a gallery make this call on the first solo show of young career that hasn't even begun. NYC painters are a tough crowd, but this girl clearly loves painting and I don't think the pile-on (or a punch to the grill) would help her out much...hopefully she can bounce back.

  13. Maybe there's a prof at VCU who teaches this exact style of painting? Even so.

    I think Dubz was being sarcastic with the punching comment, but I agree that we should not coddle this artist and worry about her "bouncing back." Please. This is clearly an issue of Sall's intellectual property. The fact that she didn't mention him in the James Kalm interview is ridiculous. She could have cited him as a huge influence and this would be a different conversation.

  14. I hardly consider this "coddling" and think the nature of the work speaks for itself...it wouldn't have mattered if she cited Erik as an influence or not. It's just lame & unfortunate...and I think everything that needs to be said has been said. The bottom line is that Erik's paintings will continue to develop/grow and only time will tell to see if the young Ms. Benson can overcome this derivative body of work.

  15. Thanks, Yoda.

  16. I think what you all are saying has merit, but you're being way too harsh. Vince Contarino says it exactly right.

    Dubz: Nobody "owns" the U.
