Sunday, May 30, 2010

Meridith Pingree

Meridith Pingree at NURTUREart... today is LAST day!

Screen patchwork wormhole twisting and distorting space. The buildings look like they are being warped into another dimension.

That green spider she showed last year
had a similar odd, mechanical, sinister vibe. Like it!


  1. That's a really great picture of it. I didn't notice it melting the buildings before now.
    It's funny. I didn't have an answer for the question who's afraid of ornament, and I'm still not sure who it might be, but I now know that person's not one Martin Bromirski. Brilliant reporting.

    BTW- the piece is still up there for the time being, and the rumor is it could stick around for awhile.

  2. Yeah, def more impact as a "day" the little 2.5 stair shape in the middle. Kai...Melvins/Isis, June 19th...can't wait!
