Friday, August 13, 2010

Simon Hantai

Simon Hantai, Tabula, 1981, in a show at Paul Kasmin (27th St).

Joe Fyfe on Simon Hantai.


  1. That was a fantastic Hantai show at Kasmin. I'm glad to be seeing the French post-war artists, greats like Hantai, and others associated with supports/surfaces a little bit more visible in NY lately. I appreciate Joe Fyfe's recent putting together of “Le Tableau” at Cheim & Read for the same reason. That stuff looks interesting and has an intellectual and imaginative spirit that's pertinent right now.

  2. unfortunately i missed the big show at the main space... this photo was taken at a small group show at the smaller space around the corner.

    yeah the fyfe tableau show was excellent.

  3. I saw that little group show too, that was funny to stumble on. I remember they had a little Al Held piece in there as well, right?

  4. i can only remember two small warhols... i was focused on this. i want that catalogue!

  5. Didn't get to see this show. But did get to see the other Hantai show at Paul Rodgers 9W gallery and it was amazing. I have been a fan of Hantai's painting since introduced to it at the Wexner Center exhibition As/Painting.
