Thursday, September 16, 2010

Material Issue and Other Matters

Leif Ritchey - saw good stuff by him earlier this year... in Time Tunnel, and in a solo show at Journal Gallery.

Material Issue and Other Matters, curated by Michael Mahalchick and Wallace Whitney, at Canada.

Suzanne Goldenberg

Suzanne Goldenberg at PS122, on anaba 12/23/09.

Jess Fuller

Lauren Luloff

Lauren Luloff at Sideshow, on anaba 4/20/07.
Lauren Luloff at Sunday, on anaba 4/17/09.

Lauren Luloff

Suzanne Goldenberg

Josh Blackwell - he had a whole bunch of these hanging in a tree in an alley for months last year... too high to jump up and grab.

Josh Blackwell at Rachel Uffner, on anaba 4/8/09.

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