Friday, January 07, 2011


my flickr setttttsssss

abstract painting
anaba paparazzi
artist sets

Peter Acheson, Rita Ackermann, Justin Adian, Polly Apfelbaum, Ivin Ballen, Gina Beavers, John Beech, Jane Benson, Huma Bhabha, Josh Blackwell, Katharine Bradford, Joe Bradley, Sarah Braman, Patrick Brennan, Roger Brown, Rosanna Bruno, Benjamin Butler, Varda Caivano, Dana Carlson, Whitney Claflin, Gregory Coates, Jason Coates, Jennifer Coates, Peter Coffin, Dan Colen, Gianna Commito, Travis Conner, Matt Connors, Joy Curtis, Herman 'Ray' Davis, Steve DiBenedetto, Cheryl Donegan, Leonardo Drew, Marlene Dumas, Ida Ekblad, RM Fischer, Stacy Fisher, Alison Fox, Jason Fox, Joe Fyfe, Jaime Gecker, Beth Gilfilen, Suzanne Goldenberg, Brenda Goodman, Ron Gorchov, Ethan Greenbaum, Joanne Greenbaum, Mildred Greenberg, Nora Griffin, Fred Gutzeit, Katharina Grosse, EJ Hauser, Rachel Hayes, Mary Heilmann, Mike Hein, Daniel Hesidence, Patrick Hill, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Shirley Jaffe, Merlin James, Anya Keilar, Harriet Korman, Mark Kostabi, Fawn Krieger, Lady Pink, Ben LaRocco, Sol Lewitt, Judith Linhares, Liz-N-Val, D. Dominick Lombardi, Al Loving, Nate Lowman, Lauren Luloff, Matthew Lusk, David Malek, Liz Markus, Sarah McEneaney, Melissa Meyer, Rebecca Morris, Carrie Moyer, Loren Munk, Dona Nelson, Joe Overstreet, Paris/aka Holy Joseph, Steven Parrino, Meridith Pingree, Judy Pfaff, Megan Pflug, Richard Prince, RH Quaytman, Noam Rappaport, Lance Rautzhan, Richard Rezac, Joshua Rickards, Leif Ritchey, Eric Sall, Lucas Samaras, Tom Sanford, Dana Schutz, Josh Smith, Mike Smith, Michael E. Smith, Molly Smith, Nancy Smith, Agathe Snow, Jered Sprecher, Jessica Stockholder, George Sugarman, Blair Thurman, Jeffrey Tranchell, Lane Twitchell, Johannes VanDerBeek, Kai Vierstra, Maria Walker, Roger White, Wendy White, Barnaby Whitfield, Bruce Wilhelm, Michael Zahn, Larry Zox.



  1. i will try to alphabetize this. maybe.

  2. You have accumulated a massive encyclopedia of awesome images...Thank you, Shadow Boner! It's very kind of you to share such a wealth of images to those eyes deprived of witnessing such things firsthand.

  3. yes, thank you.
