Friday, July 22, 2011

Leon Kossoff

Leon Kossoff, at Mitchell Innes and Nash

i'm way way behind with the stuff i wanted to blog, and am leaving for six weeks in istanbul on wednesday, so i'm gonna try to catch-up with as much as i can in the next few days.

Charlie Finch on Leon Kossoff
Franklin Einspruch on Leon Kossoff

Later in the day after seeing this show I was taking the elevator up to Nudashank's show at Art Blog Art Blog and started talking to a woman - who was carrying the Leon Kossof announcement - about what a great show it was... she said when she was younger she was a huge Kossoff fan... before we said goodbye I learned she was the artist Jess Fuller.

1 comment:

  1. Love his work. Thanks for posting the Charlie Finch link, hadn't see that one.
