Monday, March 07, 2005

another one!

Last week I was flabbergasted at seeing Ron Johnson's review of the Rosemarie Fiore show at ADA Gallery.

Now I see that another local artist - James "Jimmy-James" Engelmann - has also written a review published in that same issue! JJ's review is of the Shirley Kaneda show at Reynolds Gallery.

Two recent VCU Painting grads simultaneously and independently writing reviews of NY artists showing at local commercial galleries, both submitting them to NYArts Magazine, and having them accepted and published in the same issue!

Wow! What are the chances!! The really weird thing is that I heard Ron "didn't want to do it" and that "they made him do it". I'm so confused!

My "looks" at Kaneda are here, here, here, and here. I can't get enough Shirley Kaneda!!!

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