Sunday, March 06, 2005

some localish opportunities

March 11th - this is the deadline for the Bethesda Painting Awards. Top prize is $10,000! Open only to painters working in Maryland, Virginia, and DC.

March 15th - this is the deadline for McLean Project for the Arts' Strictly Painting. Open only to Mid-Atlantic painters and juried by Jonathan Binstock. Binstock was also the juror for the most recent New American Paintings Mid-Atlantic edition (due out in April), so if you entered that contest and didn't get in you might want to think carefully about entering this one also.

April 15th - this is the deadline for Exit Art's Traffic.

traf·fic (traf'ik) n.1. a. The passage of people or vehicles along routes of transportation. b. Vehicles or pedestrians in transit.2. a. The commercial exchange of goods; trade. b. Illegal or improper commercial activity.3. a. The business of moving passengers and cargo through a transportation system. b. The amount of cargo or number of passengers conveyed.4. a. The conveyance of messages or data through a system of communication: routers that manage Internet traffic. b. Messages or data conveyed through such a system.5. Social or verbal exchange; communication6. To carry on trade or other dealings.

April 30th - deadline for radius250! This exhibition is juried by John Ravenal and open to any artist within a 250 mile radius of Richmond. This includes Baltimore, Charlotte, Charleston, DC, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Trenton, Wilmington. This has the possibility of being an excellent show. Please spread the word to artists living in the above cities.

Ongoing Deadline - ADA Gallery and local curator Doug Utley are organizing twelve by twelve. Open to anyone. This is an ongoing project I checked out last night and saw lots of sales being made. I think they have plans for this to get huge and travel.

Good Luck!

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