Wednesday, April 27, 2005

VCU MFA Thesis Shows - Round One

The first round of VCU MFA thesis shows is up in VCU's Anderson Gallery until May 1st. Not sure how they do it elsewhere but VCU has too many grads to fit into one final show so they split them up into two shows back-to-back; I think the second round goes up May 7th.

I went to the opening and saw a lot of good stuff - meant to go back today and spend some more time but the Vito Acconci lecture was longer than I thought it would be. I'll try again tomorrow and hope to post in more detail about much of it.

In the meantime let me mention some favorites from my brief encounters at the opening - along with links to images when possible thanks to Judith Baumann.

Emily Hall - these are probably the pieces I've been thinking about the most since the opening. She has her own little space and the work looks really good in it - and the work itself is interesting. I'm not necessarily thinking about this the most because I think it's "the best" (although it might be) but because it is good and a complete surprise. Where did this come from? I guess she works good when the heat's on. Keep it up!!

Okay, looking again at the photos on Judy's blog, I'm loving it.

Jason Hackett - Jason's work is not a surprise. I knew he'd be one of my favorites - he's consistently good. I saw an earlier idea for his installation a month or so ago and he has a lot more good new work that he didn't include in this show. Jason's the real deal.

I own a Jason Hackett drawing!! We traded!!

Sarah Bednarek - another artist who is consistently interesting. I didn't expect this stuff at all because I did the VCU Open Studio thing not too long ago and she had a whole bunch of other great work. Where are you putting it all? She must work and think her ass off.

Previous Sarah Bednarek post here.

Okay, I'm going to stop there. I'm straining to think about what else is there or what else to say about it - so I'll hold off until I can spend more time with the work.

Anybody have anything to add or subtract? Do it!!!

UPDATE 4/29/2005: You guys suck! William Blake would have something to say!!

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