Thursday, May 12, 2005

Whitney Biennial 2006 Update

The Whitney has updated it's Whitney Biennial website, adding a bit of a disclaimer along with a submission deadline -


Please note that the Whitney Biennial is not a juried exhibition and, therefore, there is no formal submission process. If you choose to send materials, mail them to the address below by August 1, 2005. Submission packages should be limited to one resume/CV and six to eight images. Acceptable image formats include slides, computer printouts, digital files on CD_ROM (PC Compatible), audio CDs or VHS videotapes. Additional materials, including original artwork, portfolios and catalogues, will not be accepted. Please provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your images returned. We are unable to answer individual inquiries regarding the status of a submission.

Biennial Coordinator
Whitney Museum of American Art
945 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10021

The official 2006 Biennial website will be published later this year.

I hope they get a lot of submissions from artists all over. Previous posts on this are 12-06-04, 01-16-05, 01-28-05, and 02-05-05.


  1. What has happened to the traditional "selected curator curates curated exhibition?" That the Whitney accepts submissions to the Biennial shocks me. I think all of this access, online and whatnot, is clouding the job of the curator - in simple terms - to seek out and gather under one roof art of note. What the heck with the submissions?

  2. To submit is great for those artists who are just beginning to show and have not gone to recognized East Coast Schools to get the NY connections (or are 'older' artists). Also many artists just beginning that I know do not have a conveniently located studio and have no permanent gallery representation (despite having shows).

  3. is it to late to submit for the 2006 biennial


    Elvira England
    212 773 8933 or 970 769 0060

    Deep Dish TV’s 13 part series Shocking and Awful - A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation opens at the Whitney Museum of American Art 2006 Biennial. The series of half-hour documentaries challenges the purpose, legitimacy and conduct of the U.S. war on Iraq. It is a passionate and creative outpouring of indictments of the war. The programs are on continuous display (lower level) from March 2 to May 28.

    Program Titles:
    The Real Face of Occupation  Standing With the Women of Iraq  National Insecurities  The Art of Resistance  Dance of Death  Erasing Memory– The Cultural Destruction of Iraq  Globalization at Gunpoint  The World Says NO to War  Empire and Oil  Channels of War: The Media is the Military  Resistance at Home  Baghdad.  Fallujah.

    The logo for the series includes designer Liz Murphy’s rendition of images of Picasso’s Guernica, a pointed reference to Colin Powell’s demand that the UN cover up a copy of the anti-war masterpiece during his deceitful and failed effort to win support for the U.S. war. Visual Resistance, a New York art collective, has produced images from the painting for the Deep Dish display wall at the Whitney.

    Artist Mary Frank says in The Art of Resistance, “Part of what I found really wonderful about the anti-Iraq war demonstrations was that so many people who are not artists and who don’t make things in their daily life, thousands of them, took a piece of cardboard off a box…so many wonderful signs of every kind, words, images…some are funny, some were very cynical, but they were really full of life.”

    Shocking and Awful represents the work of over 100 artists, producers, editors and videographers from the U.S., Iraq, and Europe. It traces the dark, vengeful passions unleashed by the war; the anger of many military families; the bitterness of Fallujah refugees, exiled from their destroyed city; the strategic goals of the invasion; and the still growing global opposition. In a brief animated history of Iraq, that was censored from the American media, David Barsamian narrates the story of British subjugation and 38 year occupation of Iraq after the First World War, including their use of poison gas against the Kurdish rebellion. The words of British General Stanley Maud upon taking Baghdad in 1920 are eerily familiar: “Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators.”

    Launched by Paper Tiger TV after its videos were included in the 1986 Whitney Biennial, Deep Dish TV is celebrating it’s 20th Anniversary of broadcasting independent documentaries via satellite to a network of 300 public access channels. Thousands of artists, videographers, producers and editors have contributed to over 200 hours of programming. The complete Deep Dish TV video collection is available at the Internet Archive (

