Monday, June 13, 2005

Art For The Cash Poor White Hot Market Report

Saturday's Art For The Cash Poor event was hot! I had too many beers and fell asleep in the only shade available - under my table. I think I was out for two hours. I got an e-mail today from an old girlfriend from which I'll excerpt:
"Hi Martin, I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to since you were sleeping when I stopped by your table". She also had this to say - "p.s. I'm glad you've been working so much over the years. Not everyone sticks with it. Kudos". So True! Thanks Kristan.
I did get to meet some other old and new friends. MaryAnn Devine stopped by to introduce her new husband and return a painting she had been holding for me forever. Sean Kelly, an old co-worker from Borders, happened to walk by and we had a chance to catch up. Sean is now the Program Director at Eastern State Penitentiary. That place is super-cool - if you happened to catch the Virgil Marti talk earlier this year you know that ESP is the place where he had his Oscar Wilde installation. Here are the guidelines if you'd like to submit a project proposal.
Especially exciting was that I got to meet OK Artists Roberta Fallon and Libby Rosof. Roberta and Libby write one of the first two artblogs I started reading (Tyler's is the other) and are a big inspiration - as both artists and artbloggers. They had a table of work from their So True and Dorothy Speaks series, much of which I had already seen on their website and written about. They were selling So True pieces for only $50.00 so I left the market to try and find a cash machine and get one. I ended up getting the piece above, which is a thin brick of wood with another painting on the reverse. Can you believe it? Only $50.00 for two paintings by artists that are going to be on the covers of Artforum and Art in America in 2020! What a bargain!!
Roberta and Libby and I spread the artists supporting artists thumbs-up magic and posed for photos with each other's work. They've already posted their photos (and you can see my table of meatballs baking in the sun behind me) but I'm still using a Kodak disposable so it will be a while until I finish that roll of film and get it developed. Daniel Buren is on that roll also.
My t-shirt is by Richmond artist Nick Kuszyk.

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