Monday, June 13, 2005

Stuffy's is Neverending

another untitled, originally uploaded by Bromirski
Meatballs at Stuffy's is over, but I'm going to continue showing work at Stuffy's for a while - older work and new work together. I'm putting up this one and Kindred Spirits and leaving a few meatballs.
The piece above is an untitled work from 2004. Hard to see in this picture but the line drawn between those two rocky outcroppings is a rope-bridge made of hundreds of pieces of colored thread.
Both this piece and Kindred Spirits are 37"x75".


  1. How did it go this weekend?

  2. I didn't sell anything. It was not a wasted trip though - I'll post about it tomorow.

    Thank you for asking caring friend.
