Friday, June 10, 2005

Photos of Recommendation: Thumbs-Up Mandala: Wolf Kahn

Wolf Kahn, originally uploaded by Bromirski.

This is Wolf Kahn.

Wolf Kahn is cool. He immediately agreed to pose for a thumbs-up photo but then turned and faced the wall. I asked him to pose for another one in which I could see his face and he pointed to a sparkly paint puddle on the floor (beneath a work-in-progress) and gave it a big thumbs-up. Wolf Kahn has a huge following but he's still underrated.

When I was at the Vermont Studio Center in 1999 we were eating lunch when Louise Von Weise, a co-founder, noticed that some ducklings were being swept downstream away from their mother and so she had me and Jon Gregg jump into the river to save them. Wolf Kahn wasted no time stripping down to his underwear and jumping in too. He didn't catch a duckling, but he tried. That was fun.

I have a confession to make. I did it with Wolf Kahn!

(someone just told me his paintings are queer and he looks like an old woman, but I'm having none of it. Why do these non-art people hang around me when I'm blogging?? Go away! He's great!)


  1. Hey Martin,

    I think Wolf Kahn's cool too. I once did a pastel workshop with him in Vermont. He was very Zen and vague and entertained everyone with stories of the Hans Hoffman days. Apparently he is scared of little old ladies in white tennis shoes.

  2. Hey Martin,

    I think Wolf Kahn's cool too. I once did a pastel workshop with him in Vermont. He was very Zen and vague and entertained everyone with stories of the Hans Hoffman days. Apparently he is scared of little old ladies in white tennis shoes.

  3. I was at the Vermont Studio School in 1999! It was great. Did you work with Sara Amos, their masterprinter at the time? She had a show in Richmond a few years ago. It was way cool.
