Thursday, June 09, 2005

Stuffy's is Over

Meatballs at Stuffy's is officially over. The photo above is me explaining to Stuffy's workers how important it is that I show at Stuffy's and how no one else can show at Stuffy's and why I must have complete creative control.

Why Stuffy's? This past winter they had a "sub of the season", a six-inch meatball sub for only $1.50. I went to Stuffy's almost every day for a meatball sub - sometimes twice a day. Stuffy's has a double-sided sign that sticks out the front, like a small movie theatre sign, which Stuffy's staff is always changing. The side facing the Subway has said "Don't go to Subway" for months. The other side changes more regularly. For a few days it read "Your God Amuses Me", but they got a lot of complaints and now Chuck, the owner, will deny it ever said that.

You can see some Meatballs at Stuffy's photos here (they're a little blurry).


  1. Been lurking for awhile-love your site!

  2. i saw meaqtballs at stuffies!

  3. If you ever wanted to know, the infamous Stuffy's "God sign" debate was all because of a professor named Stoel Burrowes that used to teach in the Interior Design department in the Pollak building down the street.
    Stoel explained to my studio class that he and Chuck had a heated discussion and that, contrary to the Stuffy's signage, he was not actually God (unless our grades were concerned).
    I couldn't tell you exact details as to what the discussion was about, but Stoel was always quick to voice his opinion. To be sure, that's where the "Your God amuses me" came from.

  4. thanks kelly.

  5. what city is this in?

  6. Richmond.

    I lived in Richmond from summer 2003 through January 2007.

  7. i love it the whole art basel at stuffy's idea... just brilliant...

  8. thanks. "art basel: stuffy's" was the sequel to this show, "meatballs at stuffy's".
