Friday, June 03, 2005

June 15th

June 15th is the deadline to apply for a full fellowship residency at the Vermont Studio Center. I've been three times and have nothing but praise for the experience. Many of the Thumbs-Up photos I've been posting were taken during VSC residencies.

June 15th is also the deadline to submit slides for consideration to Troy, NY's The Art Center of the Capital Region. The website is not very comprehensive or informative but it's a good place to show. I had five pieces there in a group show a few years ago (and even got a good review!).

Speaking of Troy another place to consider is the Fulton Street Gallery - it's a really nice space and the people are super friendly and helpful. This is more of a grass-roots space, you won't get a lot of traffic, you may be expected to gallery-sit, and the housing mentioned on the website is probably crashing in somebody's living room - but I did it and don't regret it (I should confess that I have family nearby and stayed with them).


  1. Vermont Studio Center is the greatest! I love. I have hearts for it.

  2. I've also shown at the Art Center in Troy and can vouch for it's professionalism and clean walls.
