Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Photos of Recommendation: Thumbs-Up Mandala: Ray Kass

Ray Kass, originally uploaded by Bromirski.

This is Ray Kass.

Ray Kass is lecturing at the University of Richmond tomorrow night, Thursday, June 2nd, at 6:15pm. I can't make it but if you go please share your thoughts.

P.S. - finding that Ray Kass image I came across another critic with good things to say about Marlene Dumas, Barry Schwabsky.


  1. I love the painting behind that man. Is there a tiny man in it? It rocks!!

  2. I am emailing you a thumbs up pic, since I can't see it in person. Just need to get a haircut first, and get my nails done and makeup... oh dear oh dear

  3. Anonymous - Hey thanks! Which one do you mean, the red one or the black one? They both have tiny people, tiny women.

    Cynthia - You weren't kidding!

  4. thats what a combo of rather a lot of wine plus digital camera will do
