Friday, July 08, 2005

OPTIONS 2005 Artists Announced

The artists selected by Libby Lumpkin to participate in OPTIONS 2005 have been announced. Six of them are current or just graduated VCU students. Suzanna Fields is the only other Richmond name I recognize.

Bayo Abiodun
Judy Baumann
Jorge Benitez
Anne Benolken
Sheila Blake
Chad Caldwell
Kimberly Caputo
Tim DeVoe
Suzanna Fields
Lynn Galuzzo
Emily Hall
Lori Larusso
Ryan Mulligan
Mark Robarge
Lindsay Rogers
Amanda Sauer
Gary Thompson
George Tkbladze
Randy Toy
Susan Vaughan

Thanks to Lenny for the news.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy that there seems to be a Georgian in between: George Tkbladze ?
