Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Melanie Stidolph

Melanie Stidolph, originally uploaded by Bromirski.
Above is the Melanie Stidolph photograph I liked from the current Cynthia Broan show and here is the William Blake painting it reminded me of. The two Stidolph photographs have stayed with me since my trip to Chelsea, and both make me think of Blake. I'm not sure why I think of Blake with this photo but I do. Someone wrote in the comments to this post that the Cynthia Broan show is forgettable but these Melanie Stidolph's photos have stayed with me.
Anything that makes me think of William Blake must be good - This image from Blake's The Book of Urizen of Urizen struggling in the waters of materialism calls to mind the work of Kyoko Murase, and of course Blake's frontispiece to The Gates of Paradise is one of the inspirations to my One Day in the Garden.

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