Thursday, August 04, 2005


Korean Min-Hwa, originally uploaded by Bromirski.

The sweet William Blake piece linked to yesterday was one of the sources of inspiration for One Day in the Garden and above is another - Korean min-hwa, or folk art. The min means people and hwa means picture (I think hwa is the Korean equivalent to the Japanese e, as in ukiyo-e, sumi-e, etc).

I spent six months in Korea and was given a nice set of books on min-hwa shortly before I left. Everything about this art is so different from everything I was familiar with - it was a whole new microverse. The two figures fighting(?) from the page above helped to create this scene and the guy in the red robe became the guy on the left here.

Kamsamnida Hanguk!!!

1 comment:

  1. Martin! Your versions of the Min Hwa are just wonderful! I like the way you incorporated that strong sense of movement and color in your work. Keep it up!
