Friday, August 05, 2005

Mass Moca blogged and blogged.

Ann-Sofi Siden, originally uploaded by Bromirski.
Corny here - not impressed with the Leipziggers.
JL on his visit here - lukewarm on Leipziggers and enjoyed Cai Guo-Qiang.
My post on Ann-Sofi Siden here - I loved Ann-Sofi Siden's installation, especially her film QM, I think I'll call her QM (or is it called QM, I think I call her QM? Anybody know for sure?). Above is a still from the film featuring an excellent Kathleen Chalfant as the paranoid put-upon Dr. Ruth Fielding.
My second post on the other exhibitions here.
Libby Rosof on Cai Guo-Qiang here and the Leipziggers here.
JL responds to Libby's Leipzig painters post here.
JL today with a link to a very good German article on the Leipziggers.

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