Friday, August 05, 2005

Richmond friends blogged

A few Richmond friends have been blogged this week. Okay, they might not live in Richmond now but this is where we met. All three are former VCU students and/or faculty.

Allesandra Torres - is becoming very popular in DC. Amy Watson reviews Seven on Thinking About Art here. Lenny Campello has a photo and some links here. James Bailey has a crush and photos here.

Bonnie Collura - Libby Rosof attended Bonnie's talk at University of the Arts (my old school!) and took a bunch of notes and photos. She even got one of Bonnie!

Timothy Michael Martin - J.T. Kirkland has some very good things to say about (investing in) Mike Martin!

"Should any speculative collectors be interested in Martin's work (he's in Strictly Painting now too) then his three large paintings in this show are steals. They measure (a guess) 48" x 48" x 6" and are priced at a mere $1,200. Should his career take off eventually we'll look back and wish we had bought these pieces at these prices. "

Mike! Let's trade!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hold your horses Martin. I didn't really have anything "good" to say about Martin's work. I said that if you are a speculator (gambler, investor, etc) and Martin's work does it for you, then these large works are a steal at $1,200. I enjoy his work but I just can't get past his use of glitter! Still, I almost considered buying one because I thought they were priced too low. My girlfriend nipped that in the bud saying she could not live with the high-keyed colors.

    Judgment of his work aside, he's obviously someone to watch in the years to come.
