Sunday, September 18, 2005


my bad, originally uploaded by Bromirski.

Who watched Art:21 last night? Laylah Ali was such an anal and obsessive freak, wow. What an interesting nut. Her work ethic was inspiring.

Cai Guo-Qiang, ugh. I saw that show at Mass Moca and it was so boring. Dead. Lifeless. No energy, no motion, really nothing. I'd cut him some slack and say it is a very tough space to work in but he did the exact same thing with fake tigers in a smaller room. The cars are a one-liner, the dry sawdust tigers are a one-liner, both the same line. The only good part is the one bombed out car. Libby saw the show and liked it. JL liked it. Charles Giuliano really didn't like it at all. Adrian Searle is talking here about a different show, not liking what he sees either. I really liked the tiny ink-on-matchbox landscape paintings done by Guo-Qiang's father and featured on the show last night, those were very nice.

Krzysztof Wodiczko was excellent. Ida Applebroog's work is interesting, and she's inspiring, continuing to change and try new things.

I'm wicked confused, this is Arturo Herrera? Didn't he have much more hair in 1999? Either that or somebody I met with at the Drawing Center that year was pretending to be him. These Art:21 photos aren't how I remember him at all.

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