Monday, September 19, 2005

Jeremy Drummond, Fiona Ross, and Hans Friedrich Grohs at University of Richmond

Jeremy Drummond, originally uploaded by Bromirski.

Three good reasons to visit the galleries at University of Richmond Museums -

Jeremy Drummond - His show will close October 9th. I missed the talk, I bet it was good.

Fiona Ross - Her opening is TOMORROW NIGHT!!! I screwed up, sorry for the late notice! All photographs I have seen of her ceramic work on the internet DO NOT look nearly as interesting as the work is in real life. I was just admiring one last week at Rentz Gallery.

Hans Friedrich Grohs - This opening is tomorrow night too!! I think I am going to really enjoy these.

All three of these shows look good, the openings for Ross and Grohs are tomorrow night, Tuesday, from 6pm - 730pm. University of Richmond openings usually have lots of good food, maybe they will tomorrow too!!!

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