Friday, September 09, 2005

Joel Holmberg

Joel Holmberg
was showing some cool work on the sidewalk in front of ADA Gallery last Friday night; he was just down the street from the fartist. I wish I had an image of one of his small paintings or a still from the accompanying video to share because it's a little hard to explain. He made a color-coded video pie chart based on the Virginia Lottery winning numbers over a period of I don't know how long. Oh, yes! I found a link to the pie chart thing! The paintings he was showing in front of ADA took the colored wedges from specific days - so one painting called something like 7/18/2005 would be an illustration of the pick 6 numbers from that day based on Joel's weird system of megahertz and winning numbers.

Joel is included in a group show at Eyebeam opening tonight (is that a very short show? if so i'm sorry Joel for the late posting), he's into a lot of technical stuff and has a strange sense of humor. I wrote about his Friendster piece here. He is also one of the latest winners of a VMFA Fellowship, of which I am insanely jealous but I won't get into it now.

Two other Richmonders also have NYC shows coming up, Paul Goode (previous post here) and James Davis (previous post here). Paul is included in what looks like an interesting group exhibition at Feigen and James is showing at Rare.

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