Saturday, September 10, 2005

Ron Johnson interviews Christian Bonnefoi in NYArts Magazine

Ron Johnson, originally uploaded by Bromirski.

Local painter Ron Johnson interviews Christian Bonnefoi in the current issue of NYArts Magazine.

Above is an image of one of Ron's paintings from last year, of which I'm a very big fan. It was dissapointing to see his latest at Reynolds Gallery earlier this summer. The new stuff was all the same shape and size, very generic, formulaic. No more pools of color, no canvas strips, no oily creepiness. Only one of them still had his glam vampire palette. What happened?

I hope those were just an experiment in monotony and the good stuff comes back.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I remember Ron showing his paintings in Columbus Ohio and they were very transparent. Usually all the paintings would be the same size, but would be different in terms of what was behind the initial veil.

    Have a wonderful week.

    PS. NICE BLOG!!!!!
