Tuesday, November 21, 2006

pictures from another planet

An architect friend went to my show at Haigh Jamgochian's building and took these excellent photos.

This silvery painting on the brick wall is what I was hinting about with that last Tomma Abts painting. This silver surfer was finished and the Markel show already planned when I found Tomma's painting... it's actually the oldest painting included, finished December 22, 2005.

Martin Bromirski

This is the painting that was featured on PaintersNYC!

I still need some good shots of most of these undocumented paintings. The one on the left includes what Vittorio Colaizzi referred to as a "net", and I was thinking of as a web... last night a lady who saw the show told me that she thought it was a badminton birdie.

I like the net reading because it has me thinking about Kusama Yayoi's infinity nets.

Thanks, Susan! If anyone else goes to this show, or Art Basel: Stuffy's, PLEASE SEND ME SOME PICTURES!


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