Thursday, December 07, 2006

Jerry Saltz Studio Visit Report

Last week at Art Basel: Stuffy's, after overcoming my starstruckedness, I found the courage to invite Jerry Saltz to my studio. He graciously accepted!!

That is Libby in that painting he's studying! Jerry said he never misses a day checking Libby and Roberta's blog... and that "they are fantastic artists blazing new trails".

I totally agree!!!

I showed him all my friend's work, and he loved it all!

It looks like he is smiling here, doesn't it? Maybe the hint of a smile? I think he must like that painting -

but when I asked him what he thought... SILENCE.

Stare down.

Okay... I blinked. He got up on tip-toes, though. Very aggressive.

Seduced. Shalom, partner.

Oh Jerry, I don't care if you don't like Marlene Dumas.


  1. Oh blessed jebus...

  2. I knew Jerry wouldn't make the first move. Good for you, Martin!

  3. this is the scariest post yet, Martin.
    Ho, Ho, Ho! Marry Christmas?

  4. I can't believe you got that close to Jerry. I was trying to cozy up myself, but you got there first!

  5. Man, I love these homoerotic posts!!!

  6. i need to comment that I have no comment.

  7. this isn't photoshop, neither was the other one.

  8. Jerry & Mom both warned me about men with animal skin sheets.

  9. Look at the shadow in the second picture - Jerry is REAL!

    That said, Martin, you are so much better funny than you are bitter- I love it!

  11. YOU ARE HILARIOUS! Kudos to you and your KISS

  12. this is freakin' great!
    I love it.
    I just love it.

  13. Congratulations, now you gots the AIDS!

  14. Martin, this is EXCEPTIONALLY good. I couldn't love it more.

  15. are you the carson of my dreams???

  16. hey! I was recently 'unfriended' by jerry on facebook! let me tell you !

    He posted his New York magazine article about the younger than jesus show. I suggested an 'older than god' show. some people laughed. then i thought wait, jerry is older than god! and i posted that but apparently he didn't find that very funny as he disappeared from my friends list within seconds.

    does anyone else get the IRONY here? i know, i know - irony is SO gen x. But he is wondering why some of us feel a wee bit pissy about the premise of the show and then i bring HIS age into it and he unfriends me?!!??! People, am i crazy?
