Sunday, February 18, 2007

bumper stickers, plus

Ed Winkleman had an art bumper sticker contest. Here are my art bumper stickers -

My other car was used in a crucifixion.
Abuse of right of way comes as no surprise.
Ask me about my gallerists that lie to me.
Babylon my Subaru.
Support your local Guggenheim.
Stop taking things out of your Bush Now!
Will brake to suck ass.

PLUS: I don't know if this is for real, or art, or if it is wrong to link to this... but Daxflame is fascinating. It's youtube. If this is an act he is brilliant, if it isn't an act he is still kind of brilliant.

Somebody condensed a bunch of his videos into The Story of Dax Flame.....

More: Maybe it is both for real and a little bit art? It probably isn't an art thing at all, I'm just projecting, but it does have me wondering about "outsider" artists like Ramirez, Wolfli, Darger, Veda Epling , Judith Scott, et al... what if they were young today, and had access to all of the new media? Would we still see it as, and call it, art? Is there some really amazing outsider digital and video art being made? Maybe it is too disturbing, not so palatable, not as recognizable, not good for a gallery....

Related: here is an NF Karlins artnet article on autistic and asperger's artists.


  1. if it aint dutch, it aint much

  2. I'm certain the best stuff is out there, percolating, festering, and blooming. It knows nothing about Art. It will become Art.

  3. i just re-read that artnet article and karlins mentions some digital work and animations...
