Friday, February 16, 2007

some various things

The Brooklyn Rail has an interview with David Reed and Katy Siegel on the High Times, Hard Times show. I like this part where Siegel is commenting on the Whitney's project spaces -

"That was really Marcia Tucker’s idea. She wanted to use that space to showcase unaffiliated artists, which then meant not the hottest young artist out of an MFA program, but whoever hadn’t had a lot of gallery exposure and who wasn’t making it in the commercial world, which is really wonderful."

High Times, Hard Times is just now opening in NYC... I saw it down in North Carolina, here are my posts - High Times, Hard Times with pictures and links Part One, High Times, Hard Times with pictures and links Part Two, Jo Baer's letter to Artforum.

What happened to Ed Winkleman's Artist of the Week? That was the first time I had ever seen or heard of Amanda Church and B. Wurtz. The Bambino Gossip Column, okay... yes.. kill it, but the artist thing was really good.

Tokyo Art Beat - this is a pretty good guide for Tokyo art stuff. The blog part is best for reviews and interviews... Taylor McKimens leaps to the defense of Misaki Kawai here. No comment on PaintersNYC though.

Artslant is really good for everything happening in LA... you need to spend some time surfing around on it. Like, if you click "calendar" and then click "exhibits" you can get info on all the shows, similar to Artcal in NYC. They just started last week, so I'm sure it will develop as they get feedback. The "hotspots" is good... I didn't know Doug Harvey is an artist! His work is interesting.... the OC Artblog has some more on his show.

Update 2/17/06: Carol Es has a good post on Artslant and LA.

Doug Harvey
Now we can include Doug Harvey in that artist-critics list (OC has a post on a nice collector also).

Speaking of critics, reading Emily Hall in Artforum on Benjamin Edwards I thought about how much better she was when she wrote for The Stranger. What happened? Booooring.

(this is not the artist emily hall that used to live in richmond, a different one)

Donald Kuspit in that same issue of Artforum really nailed Fiona Rae.

NYArts Magazine has a blog.
Eric is on Wikipedia?? Weird! Who did that... ? Too weird.
ADA had/has a blog??? WEIRDER.

my room
Michael Lease made a very nice post on my leaving Richmond, including photos taken when he and George came over. Ugh, I already want to go back.

George's show got reviewed.

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