Friday, February 16, 2007

Uncle Sam

This is the back of a sculpture in Troy, NY. Didn't see any info about who the artist might be, so I'm attributing it to Frank Gehry.

Two plaques at the front of the statue list the name of every individual, club, business, and city official who helped to get the piece made... did I just miss the name of the artist? I definitely looked for it. Maybe the artist relinquished authorship, or maybe the donors are the real artists. Ha ha, I don't think so.

This is the front, it's Uncle Sam! He's all silver metal and facets... kind of like an X-Man, the metal one or the frozen one, or maybe Magneto.


I like this view with the swooshing faceted Gehry cape, over the brickpile, and his top hat.

This is the SECOND strange and wonderful statue I've seen in two weeks; the first was Clyde Du Vernet Hunt's Abraham Lincoln statue, in Bennington VT. That one is probably weirder.

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