Monday, April 02, 2007

James Kalm Youtubes Art... PLUS

Steve Kaplan giving the Thumbs-Up.

Artist and art critic James Kalm has started a youtube site at which he is posting visits to events, exhibitions, and openings... he always opens sounding out of breath, because he rides his bike everywhere; starting out with the bike is great. Here he is at a book-signing party talking to art critics Eleanor Heartney, Joe Fyfe, Deborah Garwood, Liz and Val (artists), Raphael Rubinstein, Carter Ratcliffe, Steve Kaplan, Christopher Chambers, Julia Morton, and Jerry Saltz.

Ion Birch opening. Ion shuts down a bit, Kalm is asking about his schooling... he should keep it light at the openings, especially with the exhibiting artists. Anaba-recommended Sample Questions: "who are you wearing?", or "where is your mother?".

Nice Jonathan Lasker visit... starts at the opening (Nozkowski sighting) and comes back the next day.

THANKS, James Kalm!


With Liz-N-Val!!! Read about the LOVE. Check out their Artists Space page, check out their website... like that cloud/space show.

Ion Birch VS. Ellen Berkenblit!!
all the previously posted thumbs-ups!

The Jerry Saltz Studio Visit Report.... A CLASSIC anaba MUST-READ!!!

PS - The free sofa across the street has been taken, and replaced by a $10 tv. It gets wrapped in plastic for the night. That tv is kind of like the tv I made in the James piece... mine was copied from a paused X-Files scene.

PPS - old news... here is something that the Albright-Knox doesn't have, but I do... a thumbs-up from Carl Dennis (standing in front of the unfinished James Won't Get Out of Bed).

Albright, PLEASE BUY IT!! I will throw in James for free, and share all the yet untold secrets of James!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay I deleted those comments just because they sounded .. I guess more.. grand.. and ultimately mean than how I truly felt which is..

    I think it would be more interesting if this was absorbed back into his work and not the James Kalm 'persona' that seems to be moving towards a.. critic in o-fficial capacity ...direction

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. i very much appreciate james kalm's thoughtful and non-anonymous contributions to paintersnyc, as well as this effor he has made to visit, record, and share some of these nyc shows.

    who is crazy pants einstein hair guy?

    ps - i am in nyc right now.. in a really sweet apartment, with a huge tv!!! went to many chelsea galleries today, but need to go back because i didn't see everything i want to see... plus brooklyn and elsewhere.

  6. James Kalm is not his real name.

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  8. funniness - i went to an opening tonight... and SK was there!

    didn't see crazy pants einstein hair.

  9. I really enjoy James Kalms writing and his videos. He is a very thoughtful critic.
    Nothing wrong with being a critic and an artist.

  10. "who are you wearing?", or "where is your mother?"

    Ha! That made me laugh. Thanks.
