Sunday, June 10, 2007

Heroes Show Photos!!! PLUS!

Fast on the heels of the Richmond VA Art Basel: Stuffy's photos, The Heroes Show photos!!! I stole them from Judith Baumann's blog.

The show was at Bryce's Barber Shop, in Olympia WA...

My piece is between the mirrors, on the left... here is a picture of it on Judy's blog. Here's the scanned-in version, with my Heroes statement.

Top-center is Laura Sharp Wilson and elin o'hara slavick, to the right is Michael Lease, and that little blue one might be the Joanne Greenbaum.

The middle one is Kimya Dawson... she played at the opening (she's a musician also)... listen to I Like Giants on her Myspace.

Let me know any of the unidentified artists pictured here and I'll post their names... where is Josh Rickards?

This is Judith Baumann's... she explains it here.

PLUS: Here are the flickr photos and youtube video of Drew Liverman/Jules Buck Jones/Scott Eastwood/Mike Phalan's Stalemate of the Boozefoxxx, in Austin TX.

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